------------------  Privacy Policy ------------------ 


Please read the following to learn more about our privacy policy. The user is advised to please read the privacy policy carefully. By accessing the services provided by SMSBangladesh through https://www.smsbangladesh.com, mobile app or affiliates users agree to the collection and use of user’s data by SMSBangladesh in the manner provided in this Privacy Policy. If the user has questions or concerns regarding this statement then the user can contact SMSBangladesh at support@smsbangladesh.com

Collected Information:

SMSBangladesh will automatically receive and collect certain anonymous information in standard usage logs through our Web server, including computer-identification information obtained from "cookies," sent to user’s browser from:

·        IP address, assigned to the computer/mobile which user use.

·        Domain server through which user access our service.

·        Type of computer/operating system user using.

·        Type of web browser user using.

Identifiable Information:

·        Name including first and last name.

·        Email address.

·        Mobile phone number and contact/billing details.

·        Demographic profile (like age, gender)

Use of Mobile & Email Address:

·        Password reminder and registration confirmation.

·        Event based communications such as order information, renewal notices, invites, reminders etc.

·        Promotional SMS, newsletters MMS or VOICE calls on behalf of our SMSBangladesh & its alliance partners.

·        Changes in the service's policy or terms of use.

Use of Personal Information:

·        Help us provide personalized features.

·        Get in touch with the user in the case of password retrieval and policy changes.

·        Provide the services requested by the user.

·        Preserve social history as governed by existing law or policy.

Information Sharing & Disclosure:

·        SMSBangladesh do not share or rent user email addresses or mobile number with third parties except our alliance partners.

·        SMSBangladesh responds to requests from any Bangladesh or foreign government, security, defense, revenue, regulatory or other authority, agency or officer.

·        SMSBangladesh reserve the right to disclose user personally identifiable and email address information as required by law and when SMSBangladesh believes that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights and/or comply with a judicial proceeding, court order, or legal process served on our Website/App.

Privacy Policy for Affiliates:

All above applicable policies will be valid for all SMSBangladesh affiliate users. All the information shared by affiliate users will be stored in SMSBangladesh server. In case of any fraud or abuse activity by affiliate users then SMSBangladesh has the right to use that information.


SMSBangladesh follow generally accepted industry standards to protect the personal information and email address, mobile number submitted to us, both during transmission and once SMSBangladesh receives it. The user’s SMSBangladesh Account is password protected. No method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure, however. Therefore, while SMSBangladesh strives to use commercially acceptable means to protect user personal information, SMS logs, email address, and mobile number, SMSBangladesh cannot guarantee its absolute security. If the user has any questions about security on our Website then send email us at support@smsbangladesh.com

Policy Updates:

SMSBangladesh reserve the right to modify this privacy statement at any time, so please review it frequently.



Terms and Conditions:

Follow this link for Privacy Policy.